“Youth and Families in High-achievement Settings: Understanding Risks and Pathways to Resilience”

Thursday, September 19, 2019
4:15 pm - 5:15 pm (ET)

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With a basis in more than 30 years of scientific research on resilience, Dr. Luthar will describe the culture-specific risk and protective factors that affect student well-being in high-achieving schools. She will discuss critical aspects of students’ relationships with parents and peers, as well as salient aspects of school climate, with an emphasis on factors that are amenable to change by schools’ stakeholders. Based on cutting-edge data across multiple schools, she will summarize specific directions for educators and parents about how to foster the well-being of “the whole child” in high-achievement settings. Of critical importance is the need to ensure the well-being of adult caregivers—parents and educators—who themselves are at risk for depletion and burnout. Dr. Luthar will describe evidence-based interventions involving supportive groups in people’s own communities.



Thursday, September 19, 2019
4:15 pm - 5:15 pm
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