Twelfth Annual Postdoc Research Exhibition will be on September 18, 2019 from 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. in HUB as a part of the National Postdoc Appreciation Week. This is an excellent professional development opportunity to exercise your science communication skills and prepare for career transitions.
POSTERS: Posters that were made previously for other conferences or meetings can be presented at this exhibition. However, the research must have been conducted at Penn State and the poster must meet the required dimensions. The maximum dimensions of the poster shall not exceed 7 ft wide by 3.75 ft high. For presenters who are printing a new poster, the recommended poster size is 4 ft wide and 3.75 ft high. There will be two poster sessions back to back for an hour each.
LIGHTNING TALKS: If you want to be selected to be one of the five selected lightning talk presenters, submit an abstract that can be understood by a lay audience, that conveys the main goal of your research, broader impact, any benefit to the society and how it extends the knowledge boundaries of your discipline.
SHORT TALKS: We invite postdocs to submit abstracts for a short talk of 10 minutes. Two abstracts will be selected to present on the day of the research exhibition. Postdocs from all disciplines are invited.
We will try our best to have a representation from various disciplines.
Registration deadline for posters and talks: September 8, 2019 at
PRIZES: If there are at least 40 posters, 15 lightning talk abstracts, 8 short talk abstracts and judges, there will be prizes. Typically the first prize is a cash award of $500, Second Prize is a cash award of $300 and third prize is a cash award of $100.
Contestants short listed for Lightning Talk and Short talk competition receive a travel award of $100 for future conferences and meetings before the end of current fiscal year. Winners of Judges award, audience award of Lightning Talk get a travel award of $500 and Short Talk Competition winner gets a Travel Award of $500.
PANEL DISCUSSION: You can select to attend either panel or the talks or posters or all the events.
Panelists are: Dr. Samar Al Malouf, Scientist and Study manager at Indigo Biosciences, State College, PA
Dr. Nicholas Smith, Research Associate, Thin Films and Surfaces Research directorate within Corning Incorporated
Dr. Jameela Conway-Turner is a Researcher at the American Institutes for Research, D.C.
Dr. Elizabeth Stulberg is a Science Policy Manager at the Alliance of Crop, Soil, and Environmental Science Societies (ACSESS), D C.
AWARDS CEREMONY AND LUNCH Penn State Postdoc Society will be presenting its annual Outstanding Postdoc and Outstanding Faculty Mentor Award. More details are at
Follow the registration link above to register for talks, posters, panel discussion or for all.
Judges are critical for being able to give out prizes. If you are interested in judging posters outside of your discipline, learn about the breadth of research being done by postdocs at Penn State. This is a good opportunity for new and recently hired postdocs to engage with the postdoc community at Penn State.Those interested in judging posters can register here. You can judge posters and also compete in lightning or short talks competition and attend the panel discussion and awards ceremony.
Please direct any questions to
2019 Exhibition Planning Committee
Sarah Craig (Talks), Lydia Hardie (PSPS Chair), Michelle Tomczyk ( resources for postdocs) , Mary Kathleen Pitrri ( posters and judges), Saroj Sah( posters and judging), Hannah Schneider( PSPS Awards), Yolanda Murphy( Panel Discussion) and Pallavi Eswara