Guide to PRC-affiliated presenters at the 2024 SPR Annual Meeting

May 20, 2024
The Annual Meeting of the Society for Prevention Research (SPR) is the premiere conference for prevention scientists and implementation specialists. This year, the event will be held from May 28-31 at the Hyatt Regency on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. You can register here.
Come hear about innovative developments in prevention science through presentations, roundtable discussions, poster sessions, special interest groups, and more. We’ll also be cheering on our trainees competing on two teams in the 19th Annual Sloboda and Bukoski Annual SPR Cup competition on Thursday, May 30, at 10 a.m.!
The events below will be led by people connected to the Edna Bennett Pierce Prevention Research Center. Here is a link to a printable list of the presenters in PDF format. For the entire presenter directory, visit the SPR website.
Tuesday, May 28
8:30 a.m.-5 p.m.
Pre-Conference Workshop: Developing Researcher-Policymaker Partnerships for Bringing Science to Scale and Achieving Research Impact (Organizer: Taylor Scott; Presenters: Emily Warthman, Jessica Pugel, Elizabeth Long, Rachel Storace, and Victoria Scott), in Bunker Hill (Ballroom)
Pre-Conference Workshop: Prevention Researcher-Policymaker Partnerships to Eliminate Disparities in the Youth Justice System (Organizer: Brian Bumbarger; Presenters: Brian Bumbarger, Brittany Cooper, and Diana Fishbein) in Columbia C (Ballroom)
5:30 p.m.-7:10 p.m.
Poster Session in Columbia A/B (Ballroom)
Effectiveness of Brief Parent-Based Interventions to Reduce Parental Permissiveness of Alcohol Use Among a Nationally Representative Sample of Teens (Presenter: Shannon Glenn)
Ukrainian Citizens’ Resilience, Acculturation, and Well-Being in the Context of Forced Migration (Presenter: Yaryna Andrushko)
Exploring Daily Processes in Parental Mood and Positive Parenting Behaviors: The Moderating Role of Daily Coparenting (Presenter: Lan Chen)
Navigating the Digital Landscape: Insights, Lessons Learned, and Recommendations for Social Media Recruitment for Clinical Trials (Presenter: Miglena Ivanova)
Wednesday, May 29
8:30-10 a.m.
Plenary Session: Developing and applying collaborative methods for co-designing and co-adapting evidence-based preventive interventions, especially for marginalized populations (Chairs: Brittany Cooper and Miguel Cano) in Regency A (Ballroom)
10:15-11:45 a.m.
Roundtable Discussion: Data Use in Technical Assistance to Promote Effective Prevention Systems and Policies: A Discussion of Different Models, Data, and Outcomes (Chair: Sarah Chilenski; Discussants: Melissa Fausey, Gitanjali Shrestha, Rebecca Roppolo, Matthew Billings, and Taylor Scott) in Everglades (2nd Floor)
Presentation: Evaluating the Role of a Training and Technical Assistance Center to Support Evidence-Based Practices Among Rural-Serving Opioid Providers (Presenter: Elizabeth Weybright) in Bunker Hill (Ballroom)
Presentation: Effects of the Loosening of Direct-to-Consumer Alcohol Delivery Policies: Preliminary Evidence from 18 States of Increases in Alcohol Use and Consequences (Presenter: Jimikaye Courtney) in Congressional D (Lobby)
12-1 p.m.
SIG Meeting: Leveraging Administrative Data to Support Prevention Science Research, Policy, and Practice (Convener: Angela Henneberger) in Yellowstone (2nd Floor)
1:15-2:45 p.m.
Presentation: Innovative Approaches to Tackle Complex Measurement Challenges in School-Based and Longitudinal Research: From Moderated Non-Linear Factor Analysis to Penalized Structural Equation Modeling (Presenters: Rashelle Mucsi and Bethany Bray) in Everglades (2nd floor)
4:45-6:15 p.m.
SPR Strategic Plan Goal Roundtable: To adapt or not to adapt, that is the question…or is it? A roundtable discussion on the collaborative strategies needed to make program adaptation decisions (Chair: Brittany Cooper) in Capitol A (Lobby)
Presentation: Constellations of Family Qualities and Links with Psychological Health during Adolescence and Young Adulthood (Presenter: Anna Hochgraf) in Congressional D (Lobby)
Scientific Dialogue Session: Statistical Innovations in Collaborative Prevention Research: Adventures in Matching Methods to Research Questions (Chair: Heather Smyth; Discussants: Sarah Smiege, Donna Coffman, Katherine Masyn, Kathryn Colborn, and Sara Bayless) in Everglades (2nd Floor)
6:30-7:45 p.m.
Poster Session in Columbia A/B (Ballroom)
Innovative Latent Class Models for Prevention Research: Online Resources of the Latent Class Analysis Knowledge Base (Presenter: Bethany Bray)
Evaluating Pennsylvania Counties’ Response to the Opioid Epidemic (Presenter: Justin Rist)
Thursday, May 30
Presidential Plenary (Presenter: Brittany Cooper) in Regency A (Ballroom)
10-11:30 a.m.
SPR Cup Contest in Regency A (Ballroom)
“Less is Roar” Team: Avery Chahl (Captain), Kelly Ngigi, Lan Chen, Justin Rist, and Danny Wang; Coach: Ashley Linden-Carmichael)
“Global Fusion: Research United” Team: Miglena Ivanova (Captain), Francisco Cardozo, Torsa Chattoraj, Filip Serban Dragan, Danielle Seay; Coach: Rina Eiden
Presentation: Continuous-Time Mediation Model for Prevention and Intervention Research (Presenter Ivan Jacob Pesigan) in Capitol A (Lobby)
SIG Meeting: Community-Engaged Research in Prevention Science: What Does It Look like and Where Are We Going? (Convener: Elizabeth Weybright; Co-Convener: Faith Price)
1-2:30 p.m.
Presentation: Systematic Braiding: An Approach to Meeting the Needs of Families Enrolled in a Home Visiting Program (Presenter: Kate Guastaferro) in Bunker Hill (Ballroom)
Presentation: Negative Consequences Associated with Daily Alcohol Use As a Nonlinear Function of Number of Drinks in a Daily Diary Study (Presenter: Rebecca Evans-Polce) in Yellowstone (2nd Floor)
2:45-4:15 p.m.
Symposium: The Head Start Redi Classroom and Parent Programs: Adolescent Outcomes of Two Preschool Randomized-Controlled Trials (Organizer: Karen Bierman) in Regency D (Ballroom)
Presentation: The High School Outcomes of Children Participating in the Head Start Redi Preschool Intervention RCT (Presenter: Janet Welsh) in Regency D (Ballroom)
Presentation: Adding the Redi Parent Program to the Redi Classroom Program Expands Impact on Early Adolescent Academic Performance and School Adjustment (Presenter: Karen Bierman) in Regency D (Ballroom)
Presentation: Prenatal Paternal Heavy Drinking, Relationship Satisfaction, and Prenatal Parental Reflective Functioning: An Examination of Actor and Partner Effects (Presenter: Kristin Perry) in Yellowstone (2nd Floor)
Presentation: Long-Term Effects of Paternal Alcohol Use Problems and Family Conflict on Adolescent Internalizing and Externalizing Problems: Additive or Protective Effects of Parent-Child Attachment Styles? (Miglena Ivanova) in Yellowstone (2nd Floor)
Symposium: You Did an Evaluation…in a Bar: Planning, Implementing, and Translating Findings from a Community-Engaged Evaluation of a Bar-Based Intervention to Reduce Sexual Violence (Organizer: Nichole Scaglione)
6:45-8 p.m.
Poster Session in Columbia A/B (Ballroom)
A Daily Diary Assessment of Recovery Community Center Experiences, and Indices of Wellbeing, Among Those in Recovery from Substance Use Disorders (Presenter: Hannah Apsley)
Associations between Impulsivity Facets and Tri-Use of Alcohol, Nicotine, and Cannabis Among a Sample of Young Adults Who Reported Recent Blackout Drinking (Presenter: Walter Dyer)
Latent Class Analysis of Daily Substance Co-Use Patterns in Young Adults: Leveraging Daily Diary Data to Identify Complex Phenotypes (Presenter: Danny Wang)
Friday, May 31
8:15-9:45 a.m.
Presentation: “Learning to Live with Pain”: Designing a Voice Assistant to Deliver Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Practices for Individuals Living with Chronic Pain (Presenter: Sebrina Doyle Fosco) in Concord (Ballroom)
Presentation: Tiwahe Wicagwicayapi: Implementing and Evaluating This Strengths-Based, Culturally-Grounded Program to Prevent Adverse Childhood Experiences Among Indigenous Youth (Presenter: Emily Waterman) in Regency C (Ballroom)
1:15-2:45 p.m.
Presentation: For Communities and with Communities: Engaging Local Partners in an Adaptation of an Evidence-Based Substance Use Prevention Program (Presenter: Elizabeth Weybright) in Regency D (Ballroom)
Roundtable Discussion: SPR Standards of Knowledge Task Force (Chairs: Brittany Cooper and Eric Brown) in Columbia Foyer (Ballroom)
Symposium: The Role of Relationships in Integrating Research into Public and Local Policymaking (Organizer: Patrick O’Neill; Discussant: Jessica Pugel) in Regency A (Ballroom)
Presentation: Predictive Factors of Science-Policy Relationships Formation Among Congressional Staffers (Presenter: Patrick O’Neill) in in Regency A (Ballroom)
3-4:30 p.m.
Roundtable Discussion: Utilizing Opioid Settlement Funds to Maximize Investment in Substance Use Prevention (Chair: Lindsey Vuolo; Discussants: Linda Richter, Deepa Camenga, Sara Whaley, Glenn Sterner, and Kristen Pendergrass) in Concord (Ballroom)
Recent News
Guide to PRC-affiliated presenters at the 2024 SPR Annual Meeting

May 20, 2024
The Annual Meeting of the Society for Prevention Research (SPR) is the premiere conference for prevention scientists and implementation specialists. This year, the event will be held from May 28-31 at the Hyatt Regency on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. You can register here.
Come hear about innovative developments in prevention science through presentations, roundtable discussions, poster sessions, special interest groups, and more. We’ll also be cheering on our trainees competing on two teams in the 19th Annual Sloboda and Bukoski Annual SPR Cup competition on Thursday, May 30, at 10 a.m.!
The events below will be led by people connected to the Edna Bennett Pierce Prevention Research Center. Here is a link to a printable list of the presenters in PDF format. For the entire presenter directory, visit the SPR website.
Tuesday, May 28
8:30 a.m.-5 p.m.
Pre-Conference Workshop: Developing Researcher-Policymaker Partnerships for Bringing Science to Scale and Achieving Research Impact (Organizer: Taylor Scott; Presenters: Emily Warthman, Jessica Pugel, Elizabeth Long, Rachel Storace, and Victoria Scott), in Bunker Hill (Ballroom)
Pre-Conference Workshop: Prevention Researcher-Policymaker Partnerships to Eliminate Disparities in the Youth Justice System (Organizer: Brian Bumbarger; Presenters: Brian Bumbarger, Brittany Cooper, and Diana Fishbein) in Columbia C (Ballroom)
5:30 p.m.-7:10 p.m.
Poster Session in Columbia A/B (Ballroom)
Effectiveness of Brief Parent-Based Interventions to Reduce Parental Permissiveness of Alcohol Use Among a Nationally Representative Sample of Teens (Presenter: Shannon Glenn)
Ukrainian Citizens’ Resilience, Acculturation, and Well-Being in the Context of Forced Migration (Presenter: Yaryna Andrushko)
Exploring Daily Processes in Parental Mood and Positive Parenting Behaviors: The Moderating Role of Daily Coparenting (Presenter: Lan Chen)
Navigating the Digital Landscape: Insights, Lessons Learned, and Recommendations for Social Media Recruitment for Clinical Trials (Presenter: Miglena Ivanova)
Wednesday, May 29
8:30-10 a.m.
Plenary Session: Developing and applying collaborative methods for co-designing and co-adapting evidence-based preventive interventions, especially for marginalized populations (Chairs: Brittany Cooper and Miguel Cano) in Regency A (Ballroom)
10:15-11:45 a.m.
Roundtable Discussion: Data Use in Technical Assistance to Promote Effective Prevention Systems and Policies: A Discussion of Different Models, Data, and Outcomes (Chair: Sarah Chilenski; Discussants: Melissa Fausey, Gitanjali Shrestha, Rebecca Roppolo, Matthew Billings, and Taylor Scott) in Everglades (2nd Floor)
Presentation: Evaluating the Role of a Training and Technical Assistance Center to Support Evidence-Based Practices Among Rural-Serving Opioid Providers (Presenter: Elizabeth Weybright) in Bunker Hill (Ballroom)
Presentation: Effects of the Loosening of Direct-to-Consumer Alcohol Delivery Policies: Preliminary Evidence from 18 States of Increases in Alcohol Use and Consequences (Presenter: Jimikaye Courtney) in Congressional D (Lobby)
12-1 p.m.
SIG Meeting: Leveraging Administrative Data to Support Prevention Science Research, Policy, and Practice (Convener: Angela Henneberger) in Yellowstone (2nd Floor)
1:15-2:45 p.m.
Presentation: Innovative Approaches to Tackle Complex Measurement Challenges in School-Based and Longitudinal Research: From Moderated Non-Linear Factor Analysis to Penalized Structural Equation Modeling (Presenters: Rashelle Mucsi and Bethany Bray) in Everglades (2nd floor)
4:45-6:15 p.m.
SPR Strategic Plan Goal Roundtable: To adapt or not to adapt, that is the question…or is it? A roundtable discussion on the collaborative strategies needed to make program adaptation decisions (Chair: Brittany Cooper) in Capitol A (Lobby)
Presentation: Constellations of Family Qualities and Links with Psychological Health during Adolescence and Young Adulthood (Presenter: Anna Hochgraf) in Congressional D (Lobby)
Scientific Dialogue Session: Statistical Innovations in Collaborative Prevention Research: Adventures in Matching Methods to Research Questions (Chair: Heather Smyth; Discussants: Sarah Smiege, Donna Coffman, Katherine Masyn, Kathryn Colborn, and Sara Bayless) in Everglades (2nd Floor)
6:30-7:45 p.m.
Poster Session in Columbia A/B (Ballroom)
Innovative Latent Class Models for Prevention Research: Online Resources of the Latent Class Analysis Knowledge Base (Presenter: Bethany Bray)
Evaluating Pennsylvania Counties’ Response to the Opioid Epidemic (Presenter: Justin Rist)
Thursday, May 30
Presidential Plenary (Presenter: Brittany Cooper) in Regency A (Ballroom)
10-11:30 a.m.
SPR Cup Contest in Regency A (Ballroom)
“Less is Roar” Team: Avery Chahl (Captain), Kelly Ngigi, Lan Chen, Justin Rist, and Danny Wang; Coach: Ashley Linden-Carmichael)
“Global Fusion: Research United” Team: Miglena Ivanova (Captain), Francisco Cardozo, Torsa Chattoraj, Filip Serban Dragan, Danielle Seay; Coach: Rina Eiden
Presentation: Continuous-Time Mediation Model for Prevention and Intervention Research (Presenter Ivan Jacob Pesigan) in Capitol A (Lobby)
SIG Meeting: Community-Engaged Research in Prevention Science: What Does It Look like and Where Are We Going? (Convener: Elizabeth Weybright; Co-Convener: Faith Price)
1-2:30 p.m.
Presentation: Systematic Braiding: An Approach to Meeting the Needs of Families Enrolled in a Home Visiting Program (Presenter: Kate Guastaferro) in Bunker Hill (Ballroom)
Presentation: Negative Consequences Associated with Daily Alcohol Use As a Nonlinear Function of Number of Drinks in a Daily Diary Study (Presenter: Rebecca Evans-Polce) in Yellowstone (2nd Floor)
2:45-4:15 p.m.
Symposium: The Head Start Redi Classroom and Parent Programs: Adolescent Outcomes of Two Preschool Randomized-Controlled Trials (Organizer: Karen Bierman) in Regency D (Ballroom)
Presentation: The High School Outcomes of Children Participating in the Head Start Redi Preschool Intervention RCT (Presenter: Janet Welsh) in Regency D (Ballroom)
Presentation: Adding the Redi Parent Program to the Redi Classroom Program Expands Impact on Early Adolescent Academic Performance and School Adjustment (Presenter: Karen Bierman) in Regency D (Ballroom)
Presentation: Prenatal Paternal Heavy Drinking, Relationship Satisfaction, and Prenatal Parental Reflective Functioning: An Examination of Actor and Partner Effects (Presenter: Kristin Perry) in Yellowstone (2nd Floor)
Presentation: Long-Term Effects of Paternal Alcohol Use Problems and Family Conflict on Adolescent Internalizing and Externalizing Problems: Additive or Protective Effects of Parent-Child Attachment Styles? (Miglena Ivanova) in Yellowstone (2nd Floor)
Symposium: You Did an Evaluation…in a Bar: Planning, Implementing, and Translating Findings from a Community-Engaged Evaluation of a Bar-Based Intervention to Reduce Sexual Violence (Organizer: Nichole Scaglione)
6:45-8 p.m.
Poster Session in Columbia A/B (Ballroom)
A Daily Diary Assessment of Recovery Community Center Experiences, and Indices of Wellbeing, Among Those in Recovery from Substance Use Disorders (Presenter: Hannah Apsley)
Associations between Impulsivity Facets and Tri-Use of Alcohol, Nicotine, and Cannabis Among a Sample of Young Adults Who Reported Recent Blackout Drinking (Presenter: Walter Dyer)
Latent Class Analysis of Daily Substance Co-Use Patterns in Young Adults: Leveraging Daily Diary Data to Identify Complex Phenotypes (Presenter: Danny Wang)
Friday, May 31
8:15-9:45 a.m.
Presentation: “Learning to Live with Pain”: Designing a Voice Assistant to Deliver Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Practices for Individuals Living with Chronic Pain (Presenter: Sebrina Doyle Fosco) in Concord (Ballroom)
Presentation: Tiwahe Wicagwicayapi: Implementing and Evaluating This Strengths-Based, Culturally-Grounded Program to Prevent Adverse Childhood Experiences Among Indigenous Youth (Presenter: Emily Waterman) in Regency C (Ballroom)
1:15-2:45 p.m.
Presentation: For Communities and with Communities: Engaging Local Partners in an Adaptation of an Evidence-Based Substance Use Prevention Program (Presenter: Elizabeth Weybright) in Regency D (Ballroom)
Roundtable Discussion: SPR Standards of Knowledge Task Force (Chairs: Brittany Cooper and Eric Brown) in Columbia Foyer (Ballroom)
Symposium: The Role of Relationships in Integrating Research into Public and Local Policymaking (Organizer: Patrick O’Neill; Discussant: Jessica Pugel) in Regency A (Ballroom)
Presentation: Predictive Factors of Science-Policy Relationships Formation Among Congressional Staffers (Presenter: Patrick O’Neill) in in Regency A (Ballroom)
3-4:30 p.m.
Roundtable Discussion: Utilizing Opioid Settlement Funds to Maximize Investment in Substance Use Prevention (Chair: Lindsey Vuolo; Discussants: Linda Richter, Deepa Camenga, Sara Whaley, Glenn Sterner, and Kristen Pendergrass) in Concord (Ballroom)
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