Duration: 2017 - Present
Project Funder(s)
Project Focus Area(s)
Developmental Period(s)
Level(s) of Analysis
In this project we will adapt and implement the evidence-based program Head Start REDI for Native American young children and their parents in up to three Head Start centers. This supports the strategy to build the supply of culturally specific programs that reduce racial disparities and disproportionality in outcomes for children and families. Project findings will provide us with information about: (a) the feasibility of the in-school and parent outreach components of the Head Start REDI program for Native American populations; and (b) the cultural fit/misfit of the in-school and parent outreach components of the Head Start REDI program for Native American populations. This information will be summarized in a rubric or adaptation guide that is easy for stakeholders to use and will guide future program trainings in these communities.
Project Funder(s)
Project Focus Area(s)
Developmental Period(s)
Level(s) of Analysis
2017 - Present