Bennett Lecture to focus on moving a family-centered intervention online

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October 18, 2022
By Grace Strayer, PRC Communications Intern
The 2022 Bennett Lecture in Prevention Science will be delivered by Beth Stormshak, Knight Chair and professor in Counseling Psychology in the University of Oregon College of Education. Stormshak’s lecture, “Navigating Prevention in a New Era of Telehealth and Online Service Delivery” will take place on Tuesday, October 20, from 4 – 5:30 p.m. in 110 Henderson Building. This lecture is free and open to the public; no registration is required.
Stormshak will discuss her research on The Family Check-Up, an evidence-based, family-centered intervention model that has been used with children and adolescents. The Family Check-Up supports positive developmental outcomes and reduces risk for problem behavior, substance use and depression. During her talk, she will share data from multiple clinical trials and discuss the implications for large-scale implementation in schools and communities.
“Dr. Beth Stormshak’s work has been highly impactful. It’s truly exciting to have her share this work with us,” said Greg Fosco, professor of human development and family studies and associate director of the Edna Bennett Pierce Prevention Research Center. “Her work pushes the field forward through rigorously-tested, innovative applications of parenting interventions.”
At the University of Oregon, Stormshak is the head of the Counseling Psychology and Human Services department in the College of Education. Her research focuses on understanding risk factors in early and middle childhood that are associated with problem behavior development in late adolescence. She also tests the efficacy of family-centered interventions that reduce the later risk of problem behavior.
Established in 2002, the Bennett Lecture in Prevention Science is an annual fall event hosted by the Edna Bennett Pierce Prevention Research Center (PRC) that honors global leaders in prevention research. The lectureship is made possible through an endowment given by the late donor and philanthropist Edna Bennett Pierce, a 1953 Penn State graduate in home economics who endowed the PRC and other important Penn State initiatives dedicated to the well-being of children and families.
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Bennett Lecture to focus on moving a family-centered intervention online

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Credit iStock/Pro-Stock Studio
October 18, 2022
By Grace Strayer, PRC Communications Intern
The 2022 Bennett Lecture in Prevention Science will be delivered by Beth Stormshak, Knight Chair and professor in Counseling Psychology in the University of Oregon College of Education. Stormshak’s lecture, “Navigating Prevention in a New Era of Telehealth and Online Service Delivery” will take place on Tuesday, October 20, from 4 – 5:30 p.m. in 110 Henderson Building. This lecture is free and open to the public; no registration is required.
Stormshak will discuss her research on The Family Check-Up, an evidence-based, family-centered intervention model that has been used with children and adolescents. The Family Check-Up supports positive developmental outcomes and reduces risk for problem behavior, substance use and depression. During her talk, she will share data from multiple clinical trials and discuss the implications for large-scale implementation in schools and communities.
“Dr. Beth Stormshak’s work has been highly impactful. It’s truly exciting to have her share this work with us,” said Greg Fosco, professor of human development and family studies and associate director of the Edna Bennett Pierce Prevention Research Center. “Her work pushes the field forward through rigorously-tested, innovative applications of parenting interventions.”
At the University of Oregon, Stormshak is the head of the Counseling Psychology and Human Services department in the College of Education. Her research focuses on understanding risk factors in early and middle childhood that are associated with problem behavior development in late adolescence. She also tests the efficacy of family-centered interventions that reduce the later risk of problem behavior.
Established in 2002, the Bennett Lecture in Prevention Science is an annual fall event hosted by the Edna Bennett Pierce Prevention Research Center (PRC) that honors global leaders in prevention research. The lectureship is made possible through an endowment given by the late donor and philanthropist Edna Bennett Pierce, a 1953 Penn State graduate in home economics who endowed the PRC and other important Penn State initiatives dedicated to the well-being of children and families.
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