
Rachel Marcus

PAMT Predoctoral Fellow


Rachel Marcus

PAMT Predoctoral Fellow

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Rachel Marcus is a second-year Developmental Psychology doctoral student working with Rina Eiden, professor of psychology and co-director of the Child Study Center at Penn State. She graduated from UC Berkeley with a BA in Molecular and Cell Biology and Minors in Public Policy and The Developing Child.  She plans to utilize statistical methods and evidence-based interventions to better understand pathways to adolescent substance use and internalizing symptoms.

Rachel is currently evaluating how the interaction of parenting styles and peer engagement is associated with adolescent substance use. She is specifically interested in how early adolescent risk factors predict late adolescent outcomes.

About PAMT

The Prevention and Methodology Training (PAMT) program, funded by a T32 grant from the National Institute on Drug Abuse, trains predoctoral and postdoctoral researchers in the integration of prevention science and statistical methodology for the behavioral sciences.

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