The Prevention and Methodology Training Program – PAMT
Funded by a T32 grant from the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), we train predoctoral and postdoctoral researchers in the integration of substance use prevention science and innovative methodology.
The Prevention and Methodology Training Program – PAMT
Funded by a T32 grant from the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), we train predoctoral and postdoctoral researchers in the integration of substance use prevention science and innovative methodology.
Launch Your Career Here
The Prevention and Methodology Training Program (PAMT) is designed for early career researchers who are interested in launching a successful academic or research career by developing a research program with an integrated focus on substance use prevention science and quantitative methods. Funded by a T32 training grant from the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) since 2005, we have a proven track record of producing scientists who develop and apply innovative research methods for the design and evaluation of drug use and related prevention programs for children, adolescents, families, and communities.
PAMT combines two existing “research cultures” – substance abuse preventionists and methodologists – into one fluid community of substance abuse preventionists who are comfortable with cutting-edge methods. Our cross-training approach allows fellows to apply rigorous statistical methods to understand and prevent substance use and problems.

We Are Training the Next Generation
Our hope is to help train the next generation of substance use and addiction researchers and ultimately improve health and well-being in society.
– Jennifer Maggs, PAMT co-director

Forge Your Own Path
The PAMT program trains graduate and postdoctoral researchers from various disciplines who are interested in devoting their careers to substance use prevention. Fellows learn through an apprenticeship model, working closely with two highly qualified faculty mentors with expertise in substance use – one mentor specializing in prevention science and the other in cutting-edge statistical methods. They also receive formal and informal training in responsible research conduct, professional skills, rigor and reproducibility of their research, and health equity.
Penn State is the location of many exciting research projects in both prevention and methodology and PAMT fellows are immediately involved in ongoing projects with opportunities to publish. They are encouraged to develop their own lines of research, are mentored on how to do so, and have protected time to make progress on their research. Training and mentoring in grant proposal writing is also provided.
State College, PA
Ada, OK
Albuquerque, NM
Ann Arbor, MI
Baltimore, MD
Birmingham, AL
Blacksburg, VA
Buffalo, NY
Cary, NC
Chapel Hill, NC
Charlottesville, VA
Chattanooga, TN
Chicago, IL
College Park, MD
Columbia, MO
Columbia, SC
Denver, CO
Detroit, MI
Eugene, OR
Fayetteville, AR
Harrisburg, PA
Houston, TX
Irvine, CA
Knoxville, TN
Lincoln, NE
Livermore, CA
Los Angeles, CA
Madison, WI
New Haven, CT
New York, NY
Oakland, CA
Omaha, NE
Philadelphia, PA
Pittsburgh, PA
Princeton, NJ
Providence, RI
Pullman, WA
Redmond, WA
Rochester, NY
Rockville, MD
Salt Lake City, UT
San Diego, CA
Santa Barbara, CA
Seattle, WA
Spring House, PA
Stamford, CT
Syracuse, NY
Tucson, AZ
Tuscaloosa, AL
University, MS
Washington, DC
The Prevention and Methodology Training Program makes a unique contribution to the nation’s training of substance use prevention scientists and to the NIDA portfolio by fostering careers that focus on integrating drug use prevention science and innovative methodology. More than 100 of our doctoral degree graduates have gone on to faculty positions in substance use or prevention science, seeding research institutions all over the country.
Find a Place to Thrive
PAMT is administered in the Edna Bennett Pierce Prevention Research Center (PRC) at Penn State’s University Park Campus. The program leverages the unique expertise of Penn State’s College of Health and Human Development, in collaboration with the College of Liberal Arts. We do this in the context of Penn State’s long-standing commitment to innovation in data collection, design, and statistical analysis methods and to impactful research on the etiology and prevention of substance use and addiction across the life span. Penn State’s Consortium on Substance Use and Addiction enhances the opportunities available to PAMT fellows.
University Park is located in the small city of State College, a quintessential college town with small eateries and quirky shops that line the street marking the border between downtown and campus. Nestled near the base of Mount Nittany, the surrounding area of central Pennsylvania is known as “Happy Valley.”

We Are Investing in the Future
“We invest heavily in our trainees. They participate in our labs, shadow us, write papers with us, and learn to write grants to the NIH.”
– Stephanie Lanza, PAMT co-director

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Contact Information
For more information about PAMT contact Carol Masullo, Administrative Support Coordinator for the Edna Bennett Pierce Prevention Research Center.