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Bills with research language more likely to advance through legislative process

two people lookng at a contract together

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Penn State researchers analyzed more than 20 years of U.S. Federal-level legislation related to youth in the justice system. An in-depth review of legislation revealed instances of research being used to define problems, reinforce effective practices, generate knowledge through research and evaluation, and disseminate findings. Photo credit: Perawit Boonchu, Getty Images. All Rights Reserved.

October 27, 2022

Bills with research language more likely to advance through legislative process

two people lookng at a contract together

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Penn State researchers analyzed more than 20 years of U.S. Federal-level legislation related to youth in the justice system. An in-depth review of legislation revealed instances of research being used to define problems, reinforce effective practices, generate knowledge through research and evaluation, and disseminate findings. Photo credit: Perawit Boonchu, Getty Images. All Rights Reserved.

October 27, 2022

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