Flagship Initiatives
Prevention meets innovation across our six focus areas through the PRC’s Flagship Initiatives.

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Foundational Science
Because changing behaviors requires a full understanding of their etiology, we take a contemporary, interdisciplinary approach to investigating risk, protection, and biological underpinnings of human health and behavior.
Promoting Human Flourishing
We cultivate important research interventions focusing on promoting human flourishing – in terms of social-emotional development, mindfulness, compassion, and resilience – in the service of supporting university engagement and community well-being.
Developing and Testing Innovative Interventions
We develop and revitalize innovative and evidence-based interventions to maximize the relevance, reach, and impact in the everyday lives of individuals.
Implementing and Evaluating Evidence-based Programs
We support and investigate the conditions and processes necessary for the scale-up and dissemination and implementation of evidence-based programs to benefit individuals, families, and communities.
Informing Policy and the Public
We communicate with key audiences to shape public understanding and policies at the federal, state, and local levels, for improved public health.
Training the Next Generation of Prevention Scientists
We have a long-standing tradition of mentoring and training graduate students and postdoctoral scholars, with many going on to lead prominent prevention research centers, excelling in their careers, and carrying on the tradition by mentoring others.